Once set up, your pension is paid into your bank account on the 20th day of each month (or the working day immediately preceding the 20th if this isn’t a working day) and we will send you a P60 every April.
If you’re entitled to a lump sum, or you’ve chosen to convert some of your annual pension into a lump sum, you’ll receive that after you’ve retired.
Overseas payments
It’s possible to pay your pension in to most overseas bank accounts.
Cost of living increases
Also known as a pension increase. Each April your pension may be increased in line with any cost of living increases that have accrued, and you’ll be notified of any relevant changes by the end of April.
A P60 is a certificate showing the pension paid and tax deducted during the previous tax year. We will send you a P60 in May each year, but if you need the cumulative totals of your gross pension payments and any Income Tax deductions before then, you can find these on your payslip.
We’ll send you a pay advice in March and April every year, and then, only if your net pension varies by more than 50p when compared with the previous month.