The Pensions Advisory Panel

The London Borough of Southwark is the Administering Authority for The London Borough of Southwark Pension Fund (the Fund).

The London Borough of Southwark, as the Administering Authority of the Fund, has delegated responsibility for the management of the Fund to the chief finance officer (the Strategic Director of Finance and Governance), who will take into account advice from the Pensions Advisory Panel (the Panel). The chief finance officer’s powers include the requirement to review investments made by external investment managers at least once every three months and to administer all other functions relating to the Fund in accordance with the relevant legislation and regulations. This includes responsibility for the management of the Fund, oversight of the general framework within which the Fund is managed, and agreements of the policies under which the Fund will operate.

Elected Panel members:

  • Councillor Stephanie Cryan – Chair

  • Councillor Emily Hickson

  • Councillor Rachel Bentley

Other Panel members:

In addition to the elected members, the Panel has three council officers, two external advisers, and three representatives appointed by the constituent trade unions representing Fund members. The elected members (councillors) and two of the officers have voting rights on the Panel. Three voting members (of whom at least one must be a council officer) of the Panel are required, as well as least one independent adviser, to deem a meeting quorate.

You can view the agendas and minutes from the Panel’s meetings in the Pensions Advisory Board reports section in the Documents library.