When you are notified of an active member’s death, it is very important that Southwark Pension Services is informed straight away so that the next of kin can be given details of benefits due as quickly as possible.

Benefits that may be payable are:

  • Death grant of three times Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP) at date of death. This is usually paid in accordance with the member’s expression of wish;
  • Survivor’s benefits are payable to an eligible spouse, civil partner, or eligible co-habiting partner; or
  • Children’s benefits are payable to any eligible child under age 18, or who is over 18 and under 23 and is still in full-time education, or for reasons of physical or medical incapacity was still dependent on the member at the date of the member’s death.

You will need to complete a leaver form. Once completed, you will need to post it to Southwark Pension Services using their contact details.

For a member who works part-time, both full-time equivalent and part-time final pay calculations must be provided on the leaver form, together with details of any APP, if applicable. Read Section 24 - Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP) for more.

Southwark Pension Services will then provide the member’s next of kin with all details regarding any death grant that may be due, and any survivor and/or children’s pension that may also become payable.